Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 1 complete! (Dong Nai)

The ETA4 program in Dong Nai Province has completed our first day! We spent all day at our first location, an orphanage about 10 km outside of the city. There, we met the 20 children we will be teaching and interacting with for the next 4 weeks. The children range in age from 3 to 17 and are all eager to learn from our teachers. Some of them even took some of the photos you will see when the internet is faster and allows me to upload. We learned new vocabulary words, sang songs, watched a movie, and learned introductions and goodbyes. All in all, a very productive day!!

Our volunteers are adjusting well to the lifestyle change. It is the rainy season here in Dong Nai, and almost every afternoon we get a little bit of mua (rain). Our hotel has everything we need, and of course the food is delicious!

Tomorrow we will work at a second orphanage as well as a youth center, teaching a total of 250 children at the 2 locations, a number which will surely go up as more students hear about our programs.

We are all safe and having a good time knowing that we are making a difference here. Check back in the next few days for another update!!


Anonymous said...

I was a student of class Bao. Today, 22 / 7 I was driving with Nylinne. Thank you everyone who has given us a real pleasure and very good in the summer months. I hope next year we will meet again.(ID borrowed, not my)^^

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